
Here’s what people are saying about the secrets they’ve discovered…

Thank you so much for introducing us Mirepoix! All of the sudden, preparing for dinner on tired week nights gets much easier and I’m enjoying cooking very much these days. I’ve made Stuffed Cabbage, Stuffed Vegi, and Chili so far. — Mariko, Walnut Creek, CA

I’ve gotten a lot better in the planning category by thinking more in the kitchen wizard style. I’m going to the market less often and doing a better job of using (or reinventing) leftovers. Meal planning is definitely much easier, especially at 5pm when I’m trying to figure out at the last minute what we are having for dinner that night.  For example, I tried the sausage tip this weekend. Sauteed chicken sausage with a little garlic and onion. Added frozen chicken broth I had made last time we had rotisserie chicken from Costco. Added some lentils. Left it to simmer and then went to the spa for a facial. Came home to fabulous soup for dinner. 🙂   Thanks!  — Brenda, Seattle, WA

I attended Mari’s class and was blown away by the things I realized I could be doing to save time and money in the kitchen! Everything was clearly stated, the class was fun, and I can go right home (and to the store) and make changes in my cooking techniques immediately! I can’t wait to try them! —  Becky, San Francisco, CA

Mari’s course was awesome!  Within the first hour I already had enough information to save a tremendous amount on my food budget, and also gave me more time with my family and less time in the kitchen cooking! Thank you, Mari! — Randy, San Jose, CA

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